March 3, 2025
What’s a Tamagotchi and Why Was It So Popular?

August 31, 2024
Virtual Pet Showdown: Giga Pet Vs. Tamagotchi

March 4, 2025
How to Turn Off Tamagotchi Sound for Peace & Quiet
Bandai Tamagotchis are the iconic virtual pet every 90s kid loved to play with. However, just like the middle-schoolers who adored them, getting a Tamagotchi out of bed can be tricky. But, since keeping your Tamagotchi healthy is the name of the game, waking them up is a necessity. But what do you do when your Tamagotchi insists on sleeping in? Well, by the end of this article, you’ll be managing your Tamagotchi’s sleep cycle better than your own!
Before you can wake your Tamagotchi up, you’ve got to make sure it gets to sleep in the first place. Luckily, getting your Tamagotchi to sleep is a relatively simple process.
In our article covering the origin and popularity of Tamagotchis, we revealed how they’re basically egg-shaped watches with their own internal clock. Well, when that clock reaches the night time stage, your Tamagotchi will automatically start to feel sleepy, and its eyes will close. You don’t need to do anything specific to make it sleep, but you can do a few things to help it get a good night’s rest.
It turns out getting your Tama to sleep isn’t so different from getting yourself ready for bed:
Additionally, make sure your Tamagotchi’s needs are met before putting it to bed. This includes giving it a snack, playing games, and taking care of any bathroom breaks (sound familiar?).
Some Tamagotchi enthusiasts have gotten their pets to sleep instantly by adjusting the clock on the device. Moving the time on the clock forward or backward will affect when your virtual pet falls asleep. To set the clock on the first and second-generation Tamagotchi, press the “B” button to go to the Clock screen. Once on the Clock screen, press “A” and “C” at the same time, then change the time. Other Tamagotchi versions may have different steps to change and set the time.
Tamagotchi たまごっち is a portmanteau of the Japanese words for “egg” and “watch”.
This won’t come as a surprise to any new parents reading this, but Baby Tamagotchis only sleep for about 5 minutes. Luckily, just like real kids, Tamagotchis will grow up fast. At the Child stage, they’ll sleep from 8 pm to 9 am (roughly 13 hours).
The next stage in the Tamagotchi lifecycle is the angsty Teen stage. Teen stage Tamas sleep from 9 pm to 9 am (12 hours), and adults between 10 and 11 pm to 9 or 11 am (between 10 to 13 hours). Tamagotchis do sleep during the night stage of their 24-hour cycle. The exact timing of the night stage can vary depending on the version and model of the Tamagotchi.
No matter when your Tamagotchi finally hits the sack, it’s important to ensure your Tamagotchi is fully prepared for bed and gets a restful sleep. If your Tamagotchi has not been attended to properly, it may refuse to wake up in the morning, and you’ll be forced to resort to creative means of rousing it awake.
And while you’re sometimes forced to discipline your Tamagotchi, waking them up won’t require anything so drastic.
When everything goes as planned, your Tamagotchi will simply wake up on its own when the night stage ends. However, if you need to wake up your Tamagotchi before the night stage is over, you can do a few things:
Overall, waking up a Tamagotchi isn’t actually complex. If anything, it’s making sure your virtual pet gets restful sleep that’s the true challenge.
Still, if your Tamagotchi friend isn’t waking up, it’s likely because it’s still in the middle of the night cycle, or you’ve just neglected it, and it’s sleeping in protest. Whatever the case may be, it only reinforces the need to really take care of your Tama (but that’s the point, after all).
It may sound strange, but most Tamagotchi models do not have a power button to turn them off, as they are designed to be on constantly. Instead, they enter sleep mode when the night stage begins, and their screen will go dark to conserve battery life. This means you do not need to turn off your Tamagotchi at night manually.
However, if you want to turn off your Tamagotchi for any reason, you can follow a few steps:
1. First, press the “A” and “C” buttons simultaneously to access the main menu.
2. From there, use the “B” button to scroll through the options until you reach the “Reset” option.
3. Press the “A” button to select it, and then press “A” again to confirm that you want to reset your Tamagotchi. This will turn off your Tamagotchi and reset it to its default state.
It’s important to note that resetting your Tamagotchi will erase all your progress and data, so it should only be used as a last resort. If you’re trying to conserve battery life, it’s best to let your Tamagotchi enter sleep mode at night.
Tamagotchis operate on a 24-hour cycle; each day is divided into four stages: morning, afternoon, evening, and night. The exact time your Tamagotchi wakes up depends on when you activated it.
Typically, a Tamagotchi will wake up around 7 or 8 in your location’s current time and go to bed around 9 or 10 at night. However, the exact times can vary based on the version and model of the Tamagotchi.
Lee is curator of nostalgia and a long-time collector of loveable junk. An 80s baby, 90s kid, he knows he had it good when it came to Saturday morning cartoons. Spends his life trying to recapture the dopamine hit of playing Game Boy for the first time and believes Beanie Babies will make a fortuitous comeback. Obsessed with everything (and anything) retro, he is your trusted guide to a world of 90s toys, games and collectables.
Check it out!
March 3, 2025
What’s a Tamagotchi and Why Was It So Popular?
August 31, 2024
Virtual Pet Showdown: Giga Pet Vs. Tamagotchi
March 4, 2025
How to Turn Off Tamagotchi Sound for Peace & Quiet