March 4, 2025
All Types of Tamagotchis Explained

September 1, 2024
How to Clean Tamagotchi Poop: Doo-ty Done Right!

February 28, 2025
HitClips: The Bizarre Micro Music Player Tweens Loved
Like rare Beanie Babies and other vintage toys from the 90s, Furbies can be hard to find for a price that reflects their genuine value. Fake eBay listings and misinformation about the value of the various ‘rare’ Furbies might make you think they’re too expensive, but don’t fret! Jay from Furb World is here to save the day with ten tips for finding Furbies on eBay for what they’re actually worth!
Furby is back!
Ok, maybe not officially from its parent company Hasbro, but it’s safe to say that the original Furby is back in the zeitgeist again. How do we know? There are thousands of fans across the globe who can’t get enough of those big eyes! Just search #longfurby or #furbycommunity on social media to see for yourself. You’ll find your late 90’s legend living its best life, posing poolside, exploring the outdoors, and even traveling the world!
Today, there are more ways to enjoy Furby than ever. There are Furby customizers, Furby collectors, Furby clothing-makers, Furby photographers, and even people putting limbs on oddbody Furbies. Just about whatever you can think of, there’s a way to involve Furby somehow.
And as always, Furby is still very social! While social media often gets a bad rap for being toxic and aggressive, Furby’s online followers are overwhelmingly inclusive and caring. This positive attitude is very much in line with Furby’s original concept: to make a toy that was a child’s first friend.
While many people worked to make Furby a reality, Caleb Chung is who I consider the co-father of Furby and the person responsible for Furby’s soul. He created an iconic toy that seemed to evolve with a kid, and – unlike the Tamagotchi – Furby was a toy you could cuddle and pet.
But, where can you get a Furby these days?
You can’t just pop into a KB Toys store to pick up a Furby anymore – mostly because KB Toys no longer exists. So, where have all the Furbies gone?
What I have here for you are some tips for finding the absolute best deals on eBay for these lil’ fuzzy creatures. We must warn you, though – finding Furbies can be very addicting!
There are many kinds of Furbies and many reasons people want them.
You may want to rekindle your love of Furby and find the same one you had as a kid, or you might want one of the many rare and valuable Furbies in the hope of reselling it later. Maybe you have funky Furbies calling your name. All reasons are valid, and there’s no judgment here!
The first step in bagging your own Furby in modern times is to do some research and learn what kind of Furby you actually want. If you’re unsure what you’re looking for, you can check out Furby Fandom’s comprehensive guide to every Furby. Knowing your ideal Furby makes all the difference in how you go about finding one for sale.
Also, consider what you will do with your Furby. Will it sit on a shelf and look pretty, just waiting for you to say “Hey Furby”? Will it go on adventures? Do you want a “mint condition” collectible or a non-working “for parts” Furby who travels with you in your purse? Perhaps you just want to have Furby listen to your stories and problems like a fuzzy little therapist?
Whatever reason you want a Furby, you should know that the price of a used, non-working Furby is typically far lower than a new, in-box one – but even a broken Furby is still adorable enough to bring joy!
We know you’re excited about getting a Furby – and we’re excited for you and your prospective, incredibly interactive toy. However, you should know the value of your Furby before you spend your money.
Why? Because there are scammers out there, and some sellers just think their Emoto Tronic Furbies are worth a small fortune when in reality, their talking toy is worth far less.
We once saw a seller offering two basic $15 Furbies for over $700! Sometimes, you’ll even see a Snowball Furby listed for $200, and occasionally, a random, non-rare Furby will be listed for hundreds of dollars simply because the seller is hoping other Furby friends with a lot of money don’t do their homework.
Don’t get ripped off. It doesn’t matter how cute they look when their ears glow over their amazing blinking eyes – you should always know what your target Furby is worth, and always shop around before making your purchase.
Here is the tried and true way to approximate the value of your desired Furby on eBay:
First, type in the kind of Furby you want in eBay’s search. Then look for the “Sold Items” filter and select it. Your search result will now show auctions that are “sold and complete.”
Next, deselect “completed auctions” to see what Furbies actually sold for and when.
The results of this kind of search will give you a good idea of what you can expect to pay for your Emoto Tronic Furby.
For an in-depth overview, check out Rediscover 90s Toys’ top 13 rare and valuable Furbies.
Unlike e-commerce sites like Amazon, eBay can be very competitive. As Weird Al said, it’s a “worldwide garage sale,” so getting there early often means no competition.
Thankfully, finding new listings on eBay is easy.
Just type in the name of the Furby you want, and change the search category from its default – “best match” – to “newly listed.”
This will switch up your search results so you’ll see the bleeding edge of what people have just posted. If you see something you like at a reasonable price, this is the time to make an offer with the seller and hope they accept it before anyone else can bid.
Then, you’re one step closer to cherishing your Furby toy’s heart gem just like the rest of us!
This kind of search lets you skim the items about to disappear.
Many items on eBay go unsold, and there is a small window of time where sellers are particularly open to negotiation. If a Furby you want hasn’t received any bids and is about to end, your chances of scoring a deal just increased exponentially.
Simply set your search results to “ending soonest” for the best results, and you’ll meet Furby in no time. Just be ready for its sassy surprises and sweet dance moves!
Fact: Not everyone selling on eBay knows what the heck kind of Furby they’re selling.
Not everyone selling on eBay knows what the heck kind of Furby they’re selling.
Some Furby friends are just clearing out their adult kids’ stuff and incorrectly list the item simply as what the Furby looks like. We’ve seen Champagne Furbies listed as Glitter Furbies. We’ve seen Autumn Furbies listed as Witch Furbies. We’ve seen Furbies listed as “Kid Cuisine” Furbies that weren’t Kid Cuisine Furbies at all!
Look at the picture of the Furby you want. How would you describe it? Search the word Furby and one or two of these words and see what you find. You may find your ideal Furby because it wasn’t listed in a way anyone else would ever find it!
Search "Furbie". Sometimes people have no idea how to spell Furby.
Sometimes, your ideal Furby won’t look like your ideal Furby in the listing photo.
When you type in your search terms, pay attention to the pictures across the listings that come up. Furbies with bad pictures often sell for less, even though they might be in decent condition!
Since so many people are “looking” and not reading, a backward box or a badly-lit Furby might mean they keep scrolling. But often, this is exactly where we find the best deals! If a parent hastily repackaged their kids’ gift, they’re probably willing to let it go for a lower price just to get rid of it.
For instance, we once found a special edition Furby we wanted for about a third of what we would typically pay. Why? Because the seller posted the picture of the back of the box by mistake, so everyone looking for that kind of Furby kept scrolling. Hilarious!
Some sellers have a “make an offer” button on their listings. Use it!
If they don’t have the “make an offer” button and no one else has bid, find the “contact the seller” button on the listing. Then, write them a short and polite message asking them if they would take X amount for the Furby.
You never know exactly how this will pan out, but it’s worth asking. Sometimes sellers who are just cleaning their garage or don’t usually sell Furbies will take a low offer. Occasionally someone will bid on the Furby before the seller can respond. But when it works, it works.
We’ve purchased several Furbies this way from sellers who just want to get rid of the Furby and don’t care or realize that they’re losing money on the deal.
Always check the country of origin before buying! Why? Because international shipping costs are real and, depending on the country, there can be unseen costs to get a package into your country. Ignoring this can turn the great deal on your great gift into something that resembles a nightmare.
Fortunately, eBay lets you sort each search by country of origin, so you can match your searches to your country and avoid extra shipping and import tariffs.
Furbies love to travel, but will you love paying for it?
This may sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to fall in love with a $10 Furby, look through all its pictures, favorite the listing, and then notice the shipping cost, which is something outrageous, like $25! That means your $10 Furby is now $35 plus tax!
Some sellers offer free shipping, and most others offer reasonable shipping prices, but some charge way too much for shipping. Let them go like ships in the night. Unless you’re buying Furbies in bulk or buying a one-of-a-kind Furby costume used to promote Furby during its launch, there’s no reason to pay higher shipping prices.
If the Furby you want isn’t on eBay, check back every couple of days. Furbies are popular on eBay, and within a month or two, you should be able to find just about any non-rare Furby for sale.
Special Editions like the Jester Furby and Royal Furby are almost always easy to find for a good price, while the Angel Furby might not be listed for a week or two and will usually be at a higher price when it is. Santa Furby, Graduation Furby, and Autumn Furby are easy to find, often new-in-box, at reasonable prices.
Your Furby journey is just that; yours. So make it your own!
Have fun with your Furby hunt. Take care of your new friend. #takeyourfurbiesout and find other weirdo Furby friends in the world.
The Furby community is overwhelmingly kind and supportive. We attribute that to the reason Caleb Chung first made the Emoto Tronic Furby – to make a toy that would be a child’s first friend. We think he succeeded in that goal, and we look forward to seeing your fantastic adventures with your Furbies!
Also, if you don’t mind more modern versions of the dancing toy, you might want to check out Furblets. They don’t have all the features you’re familiar with, but they’re awfully cute!
For more Furby, collectibles, and all things 90s, you can follow Rediscover 90s Toys on Instagram, Pinterest, and all our other social media pages.
In 1998, Jay walked into a KB Toys store in a mall and fell in love with a chatty gray and white Furby. Twenty-four years elapsed, and after seeing a Long Furby online, Jay’s love for Furby was rekindled. Jay created the Furb World brand, which consists of a wholesome and caring Instagram following, an Etsy account with bespoke Furb-adjacent creations, and The Furb World Podcast where Furby customizers and creative people discuss Furby, crafting, and what it takes to follow your dreams. Jay is living her best Furby life and regrets nothing.
Check it out!
March 4, 2025
All Types of Tamagotchis Explained
September 1, 2024
How to Clean Tamagotchi Poop: Doo-ty Done Right!
February 28, 2025
HitClips: The Bizarre Micro Music Player Tweens Loved